New bee-friendly meadows
Back of Beyond becomes company sponsor of New Forest and District Beekeepers’ Association
We’ve become a company sponsor of the New Forest and District Beekeepers’ Association (NFDBKA). The Association recently launched a new outreach programme to work with businesses and organisations that are keen to help bees of all types.
With large woodland and heathland areas as well as bee hives on site, we’re well placed to support the NFDBKA and the local bee population by creating new wildflower meadows.
Martin Bowrey, owner of the park said, “We’re pleased to see the new wildflower meadows now starting to bloom. They will not only benefit our honey bees, wild bees and other pollinators, but also provide new areas of the park for our guests to enjoy.”
Large areas were sown with a mixture of indigenous wildflower seed and grasses during the COVID-19 lockdown in early 2021. Selected for sandy soil, the indigenous seed mix contains 21 different types of wildflower (80%) and eight types of grass (20%). Wildflowers include Common Sanfoin, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Oxeye Daisies, Field Scabious and Viper’s Bugloss.
The New Forest and District Beekeepers’ Association was established over 100 years ago to represent the interests of beekeepers and beekeeping the New Forest and in the surrounding area. It is one of the larger beekeeping associations in England and is affiliated to the Hampshire Beekeepers’ Association and the British Beekeepers’ Association. To find out more, visit